Informatics Major Request for OIM 350 and 454
Informatics majors requesting to enroll in OIM 350 or OIM 454 for the Fall 2023 semester must:
- SUBMIT this form by end of day (midnight) TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH AND
- CONFIRM placement by end of day (midnight) FRIDAY, APRIL 18TH
Students must confirm they:
- Are still interested in enrollment
- Do not (and will not) have any SCHEDULING CONFLICTS that would prevent enrollment
- Do not (and will not) have any REGISTRATION HOLDS that would prevent enrollment
- Would not exceed their MAXIMUM CREDITS with the course, which would prevent enrollment
Students who do not confirm by the deadline, or do not meet all statements above will lose their opportunity to enroll.
- Deadline to submit preferences: TUESDAY, APRIL 18TH
- Decisions sent via UMass email: around MONDAY, APRIL 24TH
- Deadline to confirm: FRIDAY, APRIL 28TH