Course Offering Plan
SUBJECT | # | TITLE | CR. | FREQUENCY | 100-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 119 | Introduction to Programming | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 198C | Practicum - Introduction to the C Programming Language | 1 | Fall and Spring | 200-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 220 | Programming Methodology | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 230 | Computer Systems Principles | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 240 | Reasoning Under Uncertainty | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 250 | Introduction to Computation | 4 | Fall and Spring | 300-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 311 | Introduction to Algorithms | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 320 | Introduction to Software Engineering | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 325 | Introduction to Human Computer Interaction | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 326 | Web Programming | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 328 | Mobile Health Sensing and Analytics | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 335 | Inside the Box: How Computers Work | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 345 | Practice and Applications of Data Management | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 348 | Principles of Data Science | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 360 | Introduction to Computer and Network Security | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 363 | Computer Crime Law | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 365 | Digital Forensics | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 367 | Reverse Engineering and Understanding Exploit Development | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 370 | Introduction to Computer Vision | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 373 | Introduction to Computer Graphics | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 377 | Operating Systems | 4 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 383 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 389 | Introduction to Machine Learning | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 390B | Harnessing Data Science for Societal Good | 3 | Spring | 400-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 403 | Introduction to Robotics: Perception, Mechanics, Dynamics, and Control | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 410 | Compiler Techniques | 3 | Even Fall |
COMPSCI | 420 | Software Entrepreneurship | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 426 | Scalable Web Systems | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 429 | Software Engineering Project Management | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 445 | Information Systems | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 446 | Search Engines | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 453 | Computer Networks | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 461 | Secure Distributed Systems | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 466 | Applied Cryptography | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 485 | Applications of Natural Language Processing | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 490Q | Quantum Information Science | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 491G | Seminar - Computer Networking Lab | 3 | Spring | 500-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 501 | Formal Language Theory | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 508 | Ethical Considerations in Computing | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 513 | Logic in Computer Science | 3 | Odd Fall |
COMPSCI | 514 | Algorithms for Data Science | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 515 | Algorithms, Game Theory and Fairness | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 520 | Theory and Practice of Software Engineering | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 524 | Health Informatics and Data Science | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 528 | Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 532 | Systems for Data Science | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 535 | Computer Architecture | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 546 | Applied Information Retrieval | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 550 | Introduction to Simulation | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 560 | Introduction to Computer and Network Security | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 561 | System Defense and Test | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 563 | Internet Law and Policy | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 564 | Cyber Effects: Reverse Engineering, Exploit Analysis, and Capability Development | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 565 | Advanced Digital Forensic Systems | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 571 | Data Visualization and Exploration | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 574 | Intelligent Visual Computing | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 575 | Combinatorics and Graph Theory | 3 | Even Fall |
COMPSCI | 576 | Game Programming | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 578 | Distributed Computing and Systems | 3 | Odd Fall |
COMPSCI | 589 | Machine Learning | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 590AB | Quantum Cryptography | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 590AE | Mobile and Wireless Networks | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 590AF | Reverse Engineering and Understanding Exploit Development | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 590L | Making Predications | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 590Q | Quantum Information Systems | 3 | Even Fall |
COMPSCI | 590X | Decarbonization and Data Science | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 591NR | Seminar - Neural Networks: Neuroscience and Engineering | 3 | Spring | 600-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 602 | Research Methods in Empirical Computer Science | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 603 | Robotics | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 610 | Compiler Techniques | 3 | Even Fall |
COMPSCI | 611 | Advanced Algorithms | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 613 | Advanced Logic in Computer Science | 3 | Odd Fall |
COMPSCI | 614 | Randomized Algorithms with Applications to Data Science | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 621 | Advanced Software Engineering: Analysis and Evaluation | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 625 | Advanced Methods in Human Computer Interaction | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 627 | Fixing Social Media | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 630 | Systems | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 635 | Modern Computer Architecture | 3 | Odd Fall |
COMPSCI | 645 | Database Design and Implementation | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 646 | Information Retrieval | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 648 | Quantum Information Systems | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 650 | Applied Information Theory | 3 | Even Spring |
COMPSCI | 651 | Optimization in Computer Science | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 653 | Computer Networking | 3 | Even Fall |
COMPSCI | 654 | Advanced Wireless Networking and Sensing in IoT | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 655 | Performance Evaluation | 3 | Even Fall |
COMPSCI | 660 | Advanced Information Assurance | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 661 | Secure Distributed Systems | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 666 | Theory and Practice of Cryptography | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 670 | Computer Vision | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 674 | Intelligent Visual Computing | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 677 | Distributed and Operating Systems | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 682 | Neural Networks: A Modern Introduction | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 683 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 685 | Advanced Natural Language Processing | 3 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 687 | Reinforcement Learning | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 688 | Probabilistic Graphical Models | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 689 | Machine Learning | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 690AA | Approximation Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization | 3 | Even Spring |
COMPSCI | 690AB | Systems for Deep Learning | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 690BB | Quantum Cryptography | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 690G | Security for Large-Scale Systems | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 690K | Advanced Robot Dynamics and Control | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 690L | Deep Generative Models | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 690R | Computing for Digital Biomarkers in Healthcare | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 690S | Human-Centric Machine Learning | 3 | Fall |
COMPSCI | 690U | Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 691NR | Seminar - Neural Networks: Neuroscience and Engineering | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 691O | Seminar - Tools for Explanatory and Tutoring Systems | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 692J | Seminar - Quantum Algorithms | 3 | Spring |
COMPSCI | 692L | Seminar - Natural Language Processing | 1 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 698W | Practicum - CS Research Writing Practicum | 1 | Fall | 800-level Courses |
COMPSCI | 879 | Teaching Assistants as Tomorrow's Faculty | 2 | Fall and Spring |
COMPSCI | 891M | Seminar - Theory of Computation | 1 | Fall and Spring |
CICS | 108 | Foundations of Data Science | 4 | Fall |
CICS | 109 | Introduction to Data Analysis in R | 1 | Spring |
CICS | 110 | Foundations of Programming | 4 | Fall and Spring |
CICS | 127 | Introduction to Public Interest Technology | 4 | Spring |
CICS | 160 | Object-Oriented Programming | 4 | Fall and Spring |
CICS | 191FY1 | CICS First Year Seminar | 1 | Fall |
CICS | 208 | Defending Democracy in a Digital World | 4 | Fall |
CICS | 210 | Data Structures | 4 | Fall and Spring |
CICS | 237 | Introduction to Research in the Discipline | 2 | Fall |
CICS | 256 | Make: A Hands-on Introduction to Physical Computing | 4 | Fall and Spring |
CICS | 305 | Social Issues in Computing | 3 | Fall and Spring |
CICS | 396A | Independent Study - Directed Research Group | 3 | Spring |
CICS | 580 | Introduction to Numerical Computing with Python | 1 | Fall |
INFO | 101 | Introduction to Informatics | 3 | Fall and Spring |
INFO | 150 | A Mathematical Foundation for Informatics | 3 | Fall and Spring |
INFO | 203 | A Networked World | 3 | Fall and Spring |
INFO | 248 | Introduction to Data Science | 4 | Fall and Spring |
INFO | 324 | Introduction to Clinical Health Informatics | 4 | Fall |
INFO | 348 | Data Analytics with Python | 3 | Fall |
INFO | 490PI | Personal Health Informatics | 4 | Spring |